
Customer Success Stories
- “CNotes, shift handover application, has significantly improved overall operational communication and consistency by ensuring an accurate and streamlined changeover process. The integration of systems like the process historian (PI system), operating targets, SAP work orders, MOC, and Benzene Perimeter Monitoring, along with electronic SIS bypass, allows supervisors, board operators, and field operators to access all relevant information holistically within a single platform.”
- “I have presented the CNotes system to several teams across the organization and am working with these groups to explore expanding to Europe sites. Following senior leadership’s recommendation, the system has been submitted for consideration for an Operational Excellence Innovation Award.”
- “It has been a pleasure to be a client of CSoft Technologies for over a decade. I first worked with them at a previous refinery, so when I transitioned to my current role, it was only natural to reach out to them for their services. Currently, we are using both the CNotes and CFlow programs, and I am very satisfied with their performance. Not only are the products cost-effective, but the personalized service I receive is outstanding. I highly recommend these products.”

Petrochemical Products Manufacturing
CNotes revolutionizes shift communication for a large multinational petrochemical company.
This global petrochemical leader, with refineries and specialty chemical manufacturing plants worldwide, transitioned from paper-based and Microsoft Word/Excel shift notes to CNotes. This shift enabled them to achieve audit compliance and enhance operational visibility across all plant locations.

Refining Company and Pipeline with Assets in North America and Europe
A large refining company with assets across North America and Europe successfully migrated to a secure, CSoft-managed, Microsoft Azure cloud-hosted CNotes instance, ensuring 99.99% uptime and improved application performance. The infrastructure includes performance load balancing across multiple servers and real-time data replication for backup.
With major refineries in both North America and Europe, this international refining and marketing company achieved operational excellence, realized a rapid return on investment, and significantly reduced its internal support.

Specialty Chemicals Company in the Gulf Coast
A specialty chemicals company in the Gulf Coast, producing materials for both industrial manufacturing and household goods, found the ideal incident management solution with the CFlow Management of Change and Incident Tracking system for its manufacturing plant.