CNotes™ – Shift Handover With Operational Excellence
CNotes functions as a shift handover solution, consolidating essential information to provide a consistent, real-time view of key process historian data, lab results, alarms, operational objectives, shift logs, and abnormal situation management workflows. By addressing the limitations of paper-based logs, custom spreadsheets, and email solutions, CNotes ensures reliability, ease of maintenance, and seamless data sharing throughout the plant.

CNotes Key Features

Enterprise-Level Deployment
Supports multi-language and language translation.
Global Management:
Single-instance implementation to manage global Sites, accommodating different time zones and shift schedules.

System Interfaces (Plant Historians, Lab, Alarm, etc.)
Data Integration:
Seamless integration for process historian, lab, alarm, and work order.
Target Synchronization:
Synchronize weekly process targets with the planning interface.

CNotes Mobile
User-Friendly Application:
CNotesMobile is a powerful, easy-to-use app available for iOS and Android devices.
Access Shift Information:
Operators can access and enter shift information using tablets or smartphones.
Real-Time Data Availability: Shift information is accessible in real-time when connected to the network.
Offline Mode Capability: Users can enter data offline, with the ability to upload it to the database once reconnected to the network.

Create plant-specific workflows such as Safety System Bypass, Abnormal Situations and Downgrades.
Alerts and Notifications:
Built-in email alerts and notifications for critical tasks.

Configure User Shift Notes
Capture shift notes based on pre-defined templates:
Pipeline Data, Oil Movement Data, Terminals, Pumper Logs, Operation Orders, Environment and Safety Notes, Checklist Questions
Compare Information:
Review and compare specific note sections or entire shift reports to highlight any changes.

Reporting and Searchability
Easily create comprehensive one-page position turnover reports with automated email scheduling.
Log Search:
Quickly find and export log entries for reporting.
Deviation and Compliance:
Search and track deviations or compliance issues with ease.

Granular Security and Modular Design
Define who can view or update information across a
Modular Functionality:
Enable specific features as needed with a flexible, modular design.

Task Scheduling
Routine Duties:
Efficiently schedule and display routine tasks using the calendar.
Track Non-Compliance:
Monitor incomplete tasks and follow up to resolve outstanding issues.

Accountability and Visibility
Electronic acknowledgement of shift notes for
Information Flow:
Rollup and rolldown critical information between management and teams for real-time visibility.